Everyday friend
Everyday friend is a chat hotline for everyone under 25 years. When you chat you are anonymous and you decide what you want to talk about.
Everyday friend is for children and young people under 25 years. You can chat about anything you want. Everyday friend is there for you!
You are anonymous
You are anonymous when you chat to Everyday friend. We cannot see your real name or where you are. We are there to listen and support you.
We are young people and no experts. We are your friends and you decide what we should talk about!
Do you want to talk to Everyday friend? Click on this link: EVERYDAY FRIEND and you can find the chat in a frame on that site, note that the page is in Swedish.
Everyday friend’s opening hours:
Monday-Friday 18.00 – 22.00 (6pm – 10pm)
Weekends 14.00 – 18.00 (2pm – 6pm)
We stop taking new calls 15 minutes before closing.
If there are technical problems, for example, if the phone you are chatting on starts ringing, if you change the browser window on your phone, if you turn on the screen saver or something similiar, the chat will switch off automatically as it will think you are inactive. If this happens, you can always start a new chat and continue to talk to us!
Remember that the data traffic you use on the phone-chat cost money. It does not cost if you are using a free WiFi network or if you are a customer at Telenor. Contact your service provider for information about the prices. If you are a customer at Telenor, the Everyday friend phone-chat is free.